I find that whenever I'm stuck with writing my dissertation, I tend to just come to my blog to express some of my thought, and in some ways it does help me think better. I'm sure that many of us experience writer's block (is this even a term?) every once in awhile, and we can sometimes sit there for hours thinking of what to write and yet nothing comes. But just try this little exercise that I like to do, which is writing down everything that comes to you mind, regardless of whether right or wrong, if it makes sense or not, just write it down and filter it through later, and you could sometimes come up with things that you've never even thought about before (hopefully).
So here I am thinking of how exactly should I define Virtual Architecture. All I could come up with is architecture or buildings that exist in a virtual dimension, and that barely makes up a paragraph. I could throw in a few examples of architects using it or buildings in games that people could interact with, but what else? I am basically going to talk about how does designing buildings, in this virtual dimension, help users to comprehend or appreciate design more, maybe they could even use it to their own benefits like trying to create their own design. Games like Sims (one of my all time favorite) allows you to build your own buildings, dummy style! The functions are so straight forward that even kids could give a try in designing their own homes, all u have to do is click and drag. How I wish that 3D max was like that too.
Viewing virtual architecture helps you understand a space more clearly, rather than just words. Visuals are the most easily perceived matter by the mind, it is the first thing children responds to, and architecture could be exposed to kids at a young age due to this technology. They could be given games like Sims to let them have fun interacting with the buildings and develop a liking towards the field. Nowadays, many people are giving a hand in the field due to the easily accessible platform. 3D programs are at vast and anyone with interest could experiment with it and come up with their own designs. Even my dad designed the house I'm currently living in using all these programs last time despite not being in the design field.
I guess that wraps up my random thoughts for tonight, it's getting a little late. Will come back for more babbling when I get stuck again.
check in 123.